Danny Russo is a native of Houston where he makes his career as a visual artist. Educated in Houston schools, he received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in art from the University of Houston. Danny works primarily in drawing, painting, and crafts and employs materials that are safe for the user and the environment. He is also a prolific gardener and an ARTreach Lead Teaching Artist.
Danny Russo, Morning Glory, acrylic on canvas, 2020
The following photographs and text are by Danny Russo:
A new raised garden bed, located on a vacant lot formerly covered by tall grasses and various wild native plants, is ready for planting. The native plants will always have a home in this cultivated area. The hand of Nature is stronger than the hand of man.
These native varieties were here before we came and shall remain after our use of the land. The land is destined to return to its natural state. Our human efforts are but a moment in time…
Prior to planting, the compacted soil has to be cleaned of weeds, broken glass, floor tile, rusted nails, plastic, debris, and various objects buried by decades of careless human stewardship of once pristine earth.
Friends love to help with the building of a neighborhood garden. Fallen leaves find a useful purpose in the filling of the raised garden bed. Economically, fallen leaves are free, plentiful and saves on the amount of purchased soil needed to fill a garden bed.
The garden attracts many visitors!